No. | Judul | Nama-nama Dosen | Dihasilkan/ dipublikasikan pada | Tahun
Penyajian/ Publikasi |
Tingkat* | ||
L | N | I | |||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) |
1 | Tunneling: Evidence from Indonesia Stock Exchange | Dr. Ridwan Nurazi, S.E., M.Sc.
Dr. Fitri Santi, S.E., M.S.M.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc. |
Asian Academy of Management Jounal of Accounting & Finance
Penerbit Universitas Sains Malaysia Pulau Pinang
ISSN: 1823 -4992 Vol. 11, No. 2, hlm. 127-150 |
Ö | ||
2 | Public Attention and Financial Information as Determinants of Firms Performance in the Telecom–munication Sector | Dr. Ridwan Nurazi, S.E., M.Sc.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc. |
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan
ISSN (Print): 1410-8089 ISSN (Online): 2443-2687
Vol. 19, No. 2, hlm. 235-251
Terakreditasi SK. No. 040/P/2014 |
Ö | ||
3 | The Effect of Google Trend as Determinant of Return and Liquidity in Indonesia Stock Exchange
(Kesan Google Trend sebagai Penentu Pulangan dan Kecairan di Bursa Saham Indonesia)
Dr. Ridwan Nurazi, S.E., M.Sc.
Paulus S. Kananlua, S.E., M.Si.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc. |
Jurnal Pengurusan
Penerbit UKM Press
ISSN: 0127-2713 Vol. 45, hlm. 131 – 142 |
2015 | Ö | ||
4 | Information System Similarity: Post Merger and Acquisition | Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. | Asian Journal of Information and Communication
Vol.7, No.1, hlm. 21-47
2015 | Ö | ||
5 | Buku :
Restruktu-risasi Merger dan Akuisi
Prof. Dr. Kamaludin, S.E., M.M.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc.
Karona Cahya Susena, S.E., M.M |
Penerbit Mandar Maju/Bandung
ISBN: 978-979-538-446-5
2015 | Ö | ||
6 | Strategic Management Banking Technology Readiness Analysis in Facing Challenges and Opportunities | Prof. Dr. Kamaludin,S.E., M.M.
Internasional Conference on Economics and Banking (ICEB15).
Series: Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research
ISBN: 978-94-62520-86-8 ISSN: 2352-5428 Hlm. 121-127
Ö | ||
7 | Analysis of Factors Affecting the Decision to Purchase Products Tupperware in Malaho Bangkahulu Perdana in Bengkulu
Dr. Hj. Muhartini Salim, S.E., M.M.
Proceeding, 4th AIMI International Conference 2015 dalam Transforming Business in Emerging Markets
14-15 November 2015 , Bengkulu-Indonesia
ISBN : 978-602-7677-80-7 Hlm. 1-15 |
2015 | Ö | ||
8 | Policy Simulation on Demand and Supply Beef in Indonesia | Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M.
Proceeding, 4th AIMI International Conference 2015 dalam Transforming Business in Emerging Markets
14-15 November 2015, Bengkulu-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-7677-80-7 Hlm. 47-60 |
2015 | Ö | ||
9 | Shortly Co-Movement Quarterly Earnings Per Share and Monthly Stock Prices: A Case Study of Unilever Indonesia (UNVR).
Dr. Drs. Iskandar Zulkarnain, M.B.A. | Proceeding, 4th AIMI International Conference 2015 dalam Transforming Business in Emerging Markets
14-15 November 2015, Bengkulu-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-7677-80-7 Hlm. 162-169
2015 | Ö | ||
10 | Study Model Institutional Development Organizations Local Goverment in Realize Good Governance (Study in Central Bengkulu Regency) | Seprianti Eka Putri, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Drs. Syaiful Anwar AB, S.U.
Proceeding, 4th AIMI International Conference 2015 dalam Transforming Business in Emerging Markets
14-15 November 2015, Bengkulu-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-7677-80-7 Hlm. 296-301
2015 | Ö | ||
11 | Public Service Innovation Development Strategy Service Orientation, Customer Orientation, Service Innovation, and Organiza-tional Performance Relationship Modeling
Sularsih Anggarawati, S.E., M.B.A.
Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc.
Proceeding, 4th AIMI International Conference 2015 dalam Transforming Business in Emerging Markets
14-15 November 2015, Bengkulu-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-7677-80-7 Hlm. 418-431 |
2015 | Ö | ||
12 | Efforts to Enhancing Community Competitiveness (Citizen Advantage) Based on Information Technology: Study on Smes Creative Industry in Bengkulu | Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A.
Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc.
Ferry Tema Atmaja, S.E., M.Si.
Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc.
Proceeding, 4th AIMI International Conference 2015 dalam Transforming Business in Emerging Markets
14-15 November 2015, Bengkulu-Indonesia
ISBN: 978-602-7677-80-7 Hlm. 593-607 |
2015 | Ö | ||
13 | The Effect of Asean Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) in Term of The Influence of Brand Trust and Customers Satisfaction Toward Purchase Decision of Foreign Product in Bengkulu City | Rina Suthia Hayu, S.E., M.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.10, No.1, Hlm.1-20
2015 | Ö | ||
14 | Analisis Faktor yang Mempe-ngaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Produk Tupperware pada PT. Malaho Bangkahulu Perdana di Bengkulu | Dr. Hj. Muhartini Salim, S.E., M.M.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.10, No. 1, Hlm. 32-47
Ö | ||
15 | Probabilitas Perusahaan Sebelum dan Sesudah Mengadakan Employee Stock of Option Plan (ESOP) | Chairil Afandy, S.E., M.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.10, No.1, Hlm. 63-74
2015 | Ö | ||
16 | Pengaruh Kecerdasarn Intelektual (IQ), Kecerdasan Emosi (EQ) dan Kecerdasan Spiritual (SQ) pada Kinerja Karyawan Perusahaan Ritel di Kota Bengkulu
Nasution, S.E., M.D.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.10, No. 1, Hlm. 75-88
2015 | Ö | ||
17 | Employee Satisfaction Analysis on Quality of Work Life (QWL) in The Region South Bank Bengkulu | Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A.
Praningrum, S.E., M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 10, No. 2, Hlm. 27-44 |
2015 | Ö | ||
18 | Enterprise Resource Planning dan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan | Chairil Afandy, S.E., M.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 10, No. 2, Hlm. 57-58 |
2015 | Ö | ||
19 | Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Variabel Pemediasi Pengaruh Perilaku Pemimpin Tehadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Provinsi Bengkulu
Anggri Puspita Sari, S.E., M.Si. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 10, No. 2, Hlm. 95-109
2015 | Ö | ||
20 | Antecedent and Conse–quences of Service Culture in the Public Sector Servics Company in Bengkulu | Sularsih Anggarawati, S.E., M.B.A.
Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc. |
International Conference of Management Science (ICOMS)
Universitas Muhammadiah Yogyakarta, 23 March 2015
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hlm. 182-189
2015 | Ö | ||
21 | Struktural Equation Modeling Organizational Culture, Internal Marketing and Knowledge in Private Hospital Company in Bengkulu | Dr. Hj. Muhartini Salim, S.E., M.M.
Praningrum, S.E., M.Si. |
International Conference of Management and Science (ICOMS)
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hal. 190-197
2015 | Ö | ||
22 | Peranan Pemimpin Terhadap Disiplin Pegawai Kementrian Agama Provinsi Bengkulu Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional | Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M.
Proceeding, Peran Kepemimpinan Nasional Dalam Mewujudkan Kedaulatan Energi Menuju Kedaulatan Ekonomi Indonesia
AUB PRESS Publishing, Surakarta
ISBN: 9786027333727 Hlm.54-59
2015 | Ö | ||
23 | Determinan Non Performing Loan (NPL) pada Industri
Perbankan (Bukti Empiris Perusahaan Go Publik di Bursa Efek Indonesia) |
Prof. Dr. Kamaludin,S.E., M.M.
Berto Usman., S.E., M.Sc. |
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen (JAM)
Vol. 13, No. 4, Hlm. 547-556 |
2015 | Ö | ||
24 | Buku:
Partial Least Square (PLS): Alternatif Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Dalam Penelitian Bisnis
Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. | Penerbit C.V ANDI OFFSET/Yogyakarta
ISBN: 978-979-29-5216-2 xvi+272 hlm.;16*23 cm |
2015 | Ö | ||
25 | Bank Stock Returns in Responding The Contribution of Fundamental and Macro–economic Effects
Dr. Ridwan Nurazi, S.E., M.Sc.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan (JEJAK)
ISSN 1979-715X p-ISSN 1979-715 X e-ISSN 2460-5123 Vol. 9, No. 1, Hlm. 134-149
DOI: |
2015 | Ö | ||
26 | Penerapan Etos Kerja Pegawai Pada Stasiun KIPM Kelas II Bengkulu | Anggri Puspita Sari, S.E., M.Si.
Ekombis Review
ISSN: 2338-8412
Vol. 3, No. 2, Hlm.128-136
2015 | Ö | ||
27 | Inovasi Teknologi Tepat Guna untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas, Nilai Tambahan dan Akses Pasar Usaha Mikro di Unit Permukiman Transmigrasi “Karang Cahyo” Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan | Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Ekombis Review
ISSN: 2338-8412
Vol. 3, No. 2, Hlm.172-184
2015 | Ö | ||
28 | Revitalisasi Ekonomi untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas, Nilai Tambah dan Akses Pasar Berbasis Kelestarian Kawasan Hutan Lindung “Bukit Daun” di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong | Anggri Puspita Sari, S.E., M.Si.
Ekombis Review
ISSN: 2338-8412
Vol. 3, No. 1, Hlm.106-116
2015 | Ö | ||
29 | Does Equity Market Integration Exist Between Turkey and Eurozone? | Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc
Jejak Ekonomi dan Kebijakan
(Indexed by Scopus and Scimagor)
Manuscript. ID: JEI-16-072 |
2016 | Ö | ||
30 | Buku:
Pemasaran Jasa Finansial Edisi ke-2 |
Prof. Lizar Alfansi, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D. | Penerbit Salemba Empat
ISBN : 978-979-061-254-9 1jil.,308 hlm.,17*24 cm |
2016 | Ö | ||
31 | Under–standing How SMEs Creative Industries can Improve Innovation Performance | Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc.
Sularsih Anggarawati, S.E., M.B.A.
Ferry Tema Atmaja, S.E., M.Si.
Proceeding, International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting,
Universitas Jambi 24-25 Oktober 2016.
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hlm.157-164
2016 | Ö | ||
32 | Antecedent of Tourist Satisfaction and Its Impact on Loyalty to a Particular Destination | Dr. Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A.
Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc.
Proceeding, International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting,
Universitas Jambi, 23 – 25 Oktober 2016
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hlm.51-58
2016 | Ö | ||
33 | Attribution Theory Perspective to Observe The Impact of Culture Toward Service Failure: It’s Implication on Service Industry | Prof. Lizar Alfansi, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Ferry Tema Atmaja, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A. |
Proceeding International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting,
Universitas Negeri Jambi, 24-25 Oktober 2016.
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hlm. 21-28
2016 | Ö | ||
34 | Knowledge Management, Strategic Thinking and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Small Economic Enterprise Batik Basurek Industry at Bengkulu City | Praningrum, S.E., M.Si. | Proceeding, International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting,
Universitas Jambi, 24-25 Oktober 2016.
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hlm.149-156
2016 | Ö | ||
35 | E-Retailing: Consumer Motivation to Shop in Indonesia and Thailand | Seprianti Eka Putri, S.E., M.Si. | Proceeding, International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting,
Universitas Jambi, 24-25 Oktober 2016.
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hlm.79-94
2016 | Ö | ||
36 | Rural Industrial Management: The Implementation of Simple-Based Technology in Supporting the Economic Resilience as Perceived Benefits. | Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc.
Proceeding, International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting,
Universitas Jambi, 24-25 Oktober 2016
ISBN: 978-602-98081-4-8 Hlm.101-112
2016 | Ö | ||
37 | Analisis Perbedaan Rasio Profitabilitas Sebelum dan Sesudah Akuisisi Pada Perusahaan Properti
Chairil Afandy, S.E., M.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 11, No. 1, Hlm.1-8 |
2016 | Ö | ||
38 | Analisis Faktor Kinerja Karyawan Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah
Paulus S. Kananlua, S.E., M.Si.
Sugeng Susetyo, S.E., M.Si.
Trisna Murni, S.E., M.Si.
Drs. Sri Warsono, M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.1, Hlm.19-33
2016 | Ö | ||
39 | Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth terhadap Brand Image dan Dampaknya pada Purchase Intention Smartphone OPPO di Bengkulu
Seprianti Eka Putri, S.E., M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.1, Hlm. 41-52
2016 | Ö | ||
40 | Pengembangan Model Komunikasi Persuasif Kampanye Hemat Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM)
Anggri Puspita Sari, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. |
Management Insight,
ISSN:1978-3884 Vol. 11, No. 1, Hlm.53-64
2016 | Ö | ||
41 | The Effect of Supervision and Motivation on Teacher Performance at Elementary School 69 Bengkulu
Praningrum, S.E., M.Si. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.1, Hlm. 65-76 |
2016 | Ö | ||
42 | Modelling the Relationship Between Knowledge Sharing, Organi–zational Citizenship Behavior, Job Statisfaction and Organi–zational Commitment Among Teachers in Junior school in Muara Bangkahulu
Dr. Fahrudin Js Pareke, S.E., M.Si.
Nasution, S.E., M.D.M.
Syamsul Bachri, S.E., M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol .11, No.1, Hlm. 77-92
2016 | Ö | ||
43 | Analisis Faktor Keputusan Pembelian Kopi Bubuk 1001 Bengkulu dan Implikasinya pada Strategi Pemasaran di Kota Bengkulu
Dr. Hj. Muhartini Salim, S.E., M.M.
Syamsul Bachri, S.E., M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.1, Hlm. 93-105
2016 | Ö | ||
44 | Pengaruh Ethno-sentrisme dan Negara Asal Produk terhadap Persepsi Kualitas pada Keputusan Pembelian Jeruk Madu Brastagi
Sularsih Anggarawati, S.E., M.B.A.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.1, Hlm.106-108
2016 | Ö | ||
45 | Analisis Kesediaan Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Usaha Berbasis Kelapa Untuk Meningkatkan Ekonomi Keluarga di Pedesaan
Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.1, Hlm.109-123
2016 | Ö | ||
46 | Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pengawai Bidang Cipta Karya Dina Pekerja Umum Provinsi Bengkulu
Anggri Puspita Sari, S.E., M.Si. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No. 2, Hlm.1-12
2016 | Ö | ||
47 | Peran Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Pemediasi Hubungan Gaya Kepemim-pinan dan Komitmen Organisasi di Rumah Sakit Umum Argamakmur
Sugeng Susetyo, S.E., M.Si. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.2, Hlm.24-35
2016 | Ö | ||
48 | Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Tahun 2012-2013
Intan Zoraya, S.E., M.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 11, No. 2, Hlm.36-52
2016 | Ö | ||
49 | Pengaruh Servant Leadership dan Kinerja Individu : Peran Mediator Komitmen Organisasi
Trisna Murni, S.E., M.Si. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No. 2, Hlm. 53-66 |
2016 | Ö | ||
50 | Impact Store Environment on Impulse Buying Behavior of Dine and Chat Cafe in Bengkulu City
Dr. Hj. Muhartini Salim, S.E., M.M.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 11, No. 2, Hlm. 67-83 |
2016 | Ö | ||
51 | Akurasi Analisis Teknikal dengan Metode Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) dan Sthochastic Oscillator dalam Melihat Tren Pergerakan Harga Salam
Chairil Afandy, S.E., M.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No. 2, Hlm. 84-99
2016 | Ö | ||
52 | Analisis Persepsi Pasien terhadap Kualitas Layanan Pada RUSD Argamakmur Bengkulu Utara
Syamsul Bachri, S.E., M.Si.
Drs. Sri Warsono, M.Si. |
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.2, Hlm.100-114 |
2016 | Ö | ||
53 | The Influence of Organi–zational Commitment And Job Satisfaction Toward Organi–zational Citizenship Behavior At Bengkulu Provincial Public Work Agency
Praningrum, S.E., M.Si. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No.2, Hlm.115-127
2016 | Ö | ||
54 | Pengaruh Brand Community terhadap Loyalitas Merek (Studi Kasus Pada Komunitas Motor Honda Bengkulu : HSFCI, HVIC,HMPC, and RTO)
Sularsih Anggrawati, S.E., M.B.A. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.11, No .2, Hlm.128-143
2016 | Ö | ||
55 | Empirical Investigation of Five- Factor Model of Personality | Rina Suthia Hayu, S.E., M.M.
Dr. Fahrudin Js Pareke, S.E., M.Si. |
Management and Business Review
ISSN: 2548-530X Vol. 01 No.1, Hlm.29-41
2016 | Ö | ||
The Role of Brand Trust in Determining The Relationship Between Brand Affection and Loyalty Programs on Customer Loyalty
Prof. Lizar Alfansi, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Management and Business Review
ISSN: 2548-530X Vol. 01, No.1, Hlm. 12-28
2016 | Ö | ||
57 | Testing The Role of Task Performance As a Mediating Variabel on The Effect of Achievement Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Contextual Performance
Dr. Fahrudin Js Pareke, S.E., M.Si.
Prof. Lizar Alfansi, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE)
eISSN: 24621714 Vol. 2, No. 5, Hlm.164-173 |
2016 | Ö | ||
58 | Kointegrasi dan Kausalitas Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan dan Dow Jones Industrial Index | Paulus Suluk Kananlua, S.E., M.Si. | Ekombis Review
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis.
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu
ISSN: 2338-8412 Vol. 4, No. 2, Hlm.120-135
2016 | Ö | ||
59 | Analisis Pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, non Performing loan dan Return on Asset Terhadap Penyalur Kredit UMKM pada Bank Umum yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M. | Jurnal Bisnis Tani
(Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian)
ISSN: 2477-3468 Vol. II, No.2, Hlm.17-28
2016 | Ö | ||
60 | The Analysis of Profit Quality on Banking Industry in The Moment of Slowing Down Economy
Dr. Ridwan Nurazi, S.E., M.Sc.
Intan Zoraya, S.E., M.M. |
Jurnal Bisnis Tani
(Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian)
ISSN: 2477-3468 Vol. II, No. 2, Hlm. 67-81 |
2016 | Ö | ||
61 | Perbedaan Harga Saham dan Aktifitas Volume Perdagangan Saham LQ-45 Sebelum dan Sesudah Teror BOM Thamrin
Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M. | Jurnal Bisnis Tani
(Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian)
ISSN: 2477-3468 Vol. II, No. 2, Hlm.155-165 |
2016 | Ö | ||
62 | Analysis of Financial Literacy At Gading Cempaka District Bengkulu City | Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M. | Proceeding The 2nd Internasional dalam The Transformation of Cultural and Economic in Global Market Acces
AUB PRESS Publishing,Surakarta
ISBN: 9786027333734 Hlm. 25-27
2016 | Ö | ||
63 | The Phenomenon of Bearish and Bulish in The Indonesian Stock Exchange | Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc.
Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen
P-ISSN: 2087-2038 E-ISSN:2461-1182 Vol. 6, No.2, Hlm. 181-198
DOI: 10.15408/ess.v6i2.3750
2016 | Ö | ||
64 | A Glimpse of Entrepre–neurial Intention: Empirical Finding of International Students’
Perspectives in Turkey |
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc.
This Manuscript:
Was presented at the 2nd International Students Social Sciences Congress, 29 April – 1 May, 2016 in Konya, Turkey
Halaman : 1-11
2016 | Ö | ||
65 | Does Bid/Ask Spread React to the Increase
of Internet Search Traffic? |
Dr. Ridwan Nurazi, S.E., M.Sc.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc.
Paulus S. Kananlua, S.E., M.Si.
International Research Journal of Business Studies
ISSN: 2089-6271 E-ISSN: 2338-4565 Vol. 8, No.03, Hlm.181-196 |
2016 | Ö
66 | The Dynamics and Decision Making Process of Conducting Post-Graduate Study in School of Management
Prof. Dr. Kamaludin, S.E., M.M.
Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc.
Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM)
ISSN: 2148-6689 Vol.3, Issue.1, Hlm.107-119
DOI: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2016116567
2016 | Ö | ||
67 | Audit Delay, Profitability, dan kontribusinya terhadap Ketepatan Waktu Pelaporan Keuangan
Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M. | Bekala Ilmiah Advance.
STIE AUB Surakarta
ISSN: 2337-5221 Vol.3, No.1, Hlm. 12-22 |
2016 | Ö | ||
68 | An Empirical Examination of SAS’sSuccess Model Application on Territory of Bengkulu Treasury |
Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. | AFEBI
Accounting Review (ARR)
Vol. 1, No.1, Hlm. 59-80
2016 | Ö | ||
69 | Motivation of Individual Involvement in Fanpages |
Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. | Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, FEB UGM. P-ISSN: 2085-8272 E-ISSN: 2338-5847 ISSN: 0215-2487 Vol.31, No. 2, Hlm. 220-234
Terindeks DOAJ dan EBSCO
2016 | Ö | ||
70 | Relationship Modelling Between Service Orientation, Service Innovation, and Organi–zational Performance | Sularsih Anggarawati, S.E., M.B.A.
Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc. |
International Conference (SMICBES)
Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret 09 – 10 Agustus 2017
ISSN: 2598-0866
2017 | Ö | ||
71 | Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank dengan Menggu-nakan Metode Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earning, Capital (Rgec)
Chairil Afandy, S.E., M.M.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.12, No.1, Hlm.12-27
2017 | Ö | ||
72 | Analisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas terhadap Nilai
Perusahaan dengan Corporate Social Responsibility sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi pada Perusahaan Pertam-bangan di BEI Tahun 2010-2014
Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 12, No.1, Hlm.28-40
2017 | Ö | ||
73 | Pengaruh Kode Etik, Kompetensi, dan Pengalaman terhadap Skeptisme Profesional Auditor (Studi Kasus pada Inspektorat Provinsi Bengkulu)
Praningrum, S.E., M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 12, No.1, Hlm.41-57
2017 | Ö | ||
74 | Analisis Kemampuan Kerja Sebagai Value dari Pendidikaan dan Pelatihan (Studi Pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Bengkulu)
Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Dr. Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A. |
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.12, No.1, Hlm.79-97 |
2017 | Ö | ||
75 | Pengaruh Experiential Marketing terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Restoran Oriental di Bengkulu
Sularsih Anggarawati, S.E., M.B.A.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.12, No. 1, Hlm.113-123 |
2017 | Ö | ||
76 | Kuantitas Pemesanan Ekonomis Bahan Baku Tepung pada Usaha Roti Surya Bakery Kota Bangkulu
Trisna Murni, S.E., M.Si.
Syamsul Bachri, S.E., M.Si.
Drs. Sri Warsono, M.Si. |
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.12, No. 1, Hlm. 124-140 |
2017 | Ö | ||
77 | Buku:
Metode Penelitian Terpadu Sistem Informasi – Pemodelan teoritis Pengukuran dan Pengujian Statistisi
Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. | Penerbit ANDI, Yogyakarta,
ISBN: 978-979-29-6113-3 |
2017 | Ö | ||
78 | The Role of Knowledge Sharing in Order to Increase Innovation Ability and Employee Performance in Industry Sector of Small Medium Enterprise
Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Dr. Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A.
Proceeding, The 4th Sebelas Maret International Conference on Business, Economics, and Social Science (SMICBES)
ISSN: 2598-0866 Hlm. 319-332 |
2017 | Ö | ||
79 | Factors Influencing Patients’ Decision in Selecting Bengkulu Regional General Hospital in Indonesia
Dr. Hj. Muhartini Salim, S.E., M.M.
Syamsul Bachri, S.E., M.Si.
The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society
P-ISSN: 1328-1992 E-ISSN: 2355-2905 Vol. 25, No. 2, Hlm: 84-94 |
2017 | Ö | ||
80 | Identifikasi Watak, Kapasitas, Modal, Kondisi Ekonomi dan Jaminan sebagai Pengaruh Tingkat Kredit Bermasalah Program Kredit Usaha Rakyat KUR pada Pengusaha Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (UMK) di Kecamatan Gading Cempaka
Dewi Rahmayanti, S.E., M.S.M. | Proceeding STIE Adi Unggul Bhirawa (AUB) Surakarta Solo
ISBN: 978-602-73337-4-1 |
2017 | Ö | ||
Effect of HR Competence, Organi-zational Commitment, and System Quality onIndividual Use of Accrual-Based Accounting System Application at Statistics Indonesia |
Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. | AFEBI Accounting Review (ARR)
Vol.2, No.1, Hlm. 30-51
2017 | Ö | ||
82 | Mengukur Bullwhip Effect Produk MAS (Pada Jaringan Supply Chain PT. Sembilan Pilar Utama dan Swalayan Koya)
Syamsul Bachri, S.E., M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 12, No. 2, Hlm.82-94
2017 | Ö | ||
83 | Pengaruh Motivasi, Kepuasan Kerja, dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Toyota Agung Automall Bengkulu
Nasution, S.E., M.D.M.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.12, No.2, Hlm.1-10
2017 | Ö | ||
84 | Pengaruh Kepribadian dan Kemampuan Intelektual terhadap Kompetensi Guru di SMKN 3 Kota Bengkulu
Anggri Puspita Sari, S.E., M.Si. | Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.12, No.2, Hlm.52-61 |
2017 | Ö | ||
85 | Pengaruh Return on Asset, Debt to Equity Ration, Net Profit Margin terhadap Income Smoothing dengan Variabel Moderasi Proporsi Wanita di Dalam Dewan Direksi (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2013-2015)
Paulus S. Kananlua, S.E., M.Si.
Sugeng Susetyo, S.E., M.Si.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol.12, No.2, Hlm.72-81
2017 | Ö | ||
86 | Keterkaitan Faktor Demografi dengan Motif Berpindah Pilihan Layanan Hotel Berbintang di Kota Bengkulu
Dr. Hj. Muhartini Salim, S.E., M.M.
Management Insight
ISSN: 1978-3884 Vol. 12, No.2, Hlm.19-31
2017 | Ö
87 | Determinant of Individual Use of Accrual-Based Accounting System Application at Statistics Indonesia (BPS) | Dr. Willy Abdillah, S.E., M.Sc. | Advance Business- Related Scientific Research Conference 2017 in Milan, Italy,(ABSRC)
ISSN: 1855-931X ISBN: 978-961-6347-64-8 Hlm.12
2017 | Ö | ||
88 | Travelers’ Perceived Values When Visiting Particular Tourism Destination and Its Influence on Satisfaction and Loyalty | Dr. Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A.
Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc.
Prof. Lizar Alfansi, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Ferry Tema Atmaja, S.E., M.Si. |
Advance Business- Related Scientific Research Conference 2017 in Milan, Italy
Halaman : 17-18 ISSN : 1855-931X ISBN : 978-961-6347-64-8
2017 | Ö | ||
89 | Managing Customer Forgiveness in the Hotel Industry: the Indonesian Experiences | Prof. Lizar Alfansi, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Ferry Tema Atmaja, S.E., M.Si.
Fachri Eka Saputra, S.E., M.Sc. |
Advance Business- Related Scientific Research Conference 2017 in Milan, Italy, (ABSRC)
ISSN: 1855-931X ISBN: 978-961-6347-64-8 Hlm.13-14
2017 | Ö | ||
90 | Modelling the Relationship Among Employee’s Personality, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment: Empirical Evident from Public Ptivate Organizations. | Dr. Fahrudin Js Pareke, S.E., M.Si.
Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Advance Business- Related Scientific Research Conference 2017 in Milan, Italy, (ABSRC)
ISSN: 1855-931X ISBN: 978-961-6347-64-8 Hlm.17-18
2017 | Ö | ||
91 | The Multi-Dimensional Constructs of Organi-zational Justice and Organi-zational Commitment: Empirical Evidence from Public and Private Organizations in Indonesia
Dr. Fahrudin Js Pareke, S.E., M.Si. | AFEBI
Management and Business Review (AMBR)
ISSN: 2548-530X Vol.02, No.02, Hlm.59-71
2017 | Ö | ||
92 | Inspired to perform: A multilevel investigation of antecedents and consequences of thriving at work | Meiliani, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D. | Journal of Organizational Behavior
DOI: 10.1002/job.2216
2017 | Ö | ||
93 | The Financial Performance of Local Goverment in The Bengkulu Province | Paulus S. Kananlua, S.E., M.Si.
Chairil Afandy, S.E., M.M.
Dr. Effed Darta Hadi, S.E., M.B.A.
Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D. |
Proceeding , Malaysia Indonesia Internasional Conference on Economic,Management and Accounting (MIICEMA) IPB Internasional Convention Centre, Bogor-Indonesia
Hlm: 6-14 |
2017 | Ö | ||
94 | The Effect of Mental Accounting on Students Investment Decisions: a Study at Investment Gallery (GI) FEB University of Bengkulu and Syariah Investment Gallery (GIS) FEB IAIN Bengkulu | Dr. Fitri Santi, S.E., M.S.M.
Proceeding , Malaysia Indonesia Internasional Conference on Economic,Management and Accounting (MIICEMA) IPB Internasional Convention Centre, Bogor-Indonesia
Hlm: 119 |
2017 | Ö | ||
95 | The Effect of Planned Behavior on Strategic Thinking Behavior Through The Intermediation of Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Local Goverment Officers in Bengkulu City | Praningrum, S.E., M.Si. | Proceeding , Malaysia Indonesia Internasional Conference on Economic,Management and Accounting (MIICEMA) IPB Internasional Convention Centre, Bogor-Indonesia | 2017 | Ö | ||
96 | The Multi–dimensional Constructs of Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment : Empirical evidence From Public and Private Organizations in Indonesia | Dr. Fahrudin Js Pareke, S.E., M.Si. | Proceeding , Malaysia Indonesia Internasional Conference on Economic,Management and Accounting (MIICEMA) IPB Internasional Convention Centre, Bogor-Indonesia
Hlm : 185 |
2017 | Ö | ||
97 | The influence of Organizational Commitment Job Satisfaction and Locus of Control on Employee Performance in The Health Sector Industry | Slamet Widodo, S.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Proceeding , Malaysia Indonesia Internasional Conference on Economic,Management and Accounting (MIICEMA) IPB Internasional Convention Centre, Bogor-Indonesia
Hlm : 185 |
2017 | Ö | ||
98 | Capital Structure: New Evidence across the Broad Spectrum of State-Owned Enterprises Performance in Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Kamaludin, S.E.,M.M
Berto Usman, S.E. M.Sc |
Pertanika J.Soc.Sci & Hum. 25 (S)
Hlm. 117-132 Journal homepage:
2017 | Ö | ||
99 | What Motives Consumers to Spend?: A Study on Impulsive Purchases | Dr. Muhartini Salim, SE.,M.Si | Pertanika J.Soc.Sci & Hum. 25 (S)
Hlm. 321-336 Journal homepage:
2017 | Ö |